
The Department aims for global recognition in teaching, research and community services and raising the standard of Chemical Engineering education in the latest art of the technology, constantly improving the quality and skills at undergraduate and post graduate levels, emphasizing on novel research and development that leads to a socioeconomically feasible technology.


To impart quality education in the field of Chemical Engineering to produce professionally competent engineers for the benefit of the society at large.

  Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Raipur

Fuel Technology Lab (CH104402CH)

List of experiments:

1. Proximate analysis of solid fuel.
2. Calorific value determination using Bomb Calorimeter.
3. Viscosity determination using Redwood I & Redwood II.
4. Aniline point and Smoke point determination.
5. Flash and fire point determination using Pensky Marten’s apparatus.
6. Flash and fire point determination using Abel’s apparatus.
7. Cloud & pour point determination Cloud & Pour point apparatus.
8. Orsat analysis of flue gas to determine its composition.
9. Carbon residue determination Conradson apparatus.

Neme of equipment Photograph Working condition
Proximate analysis of solid fuel Yes
Bomb Calorimeter Yes
Viscometer Redwood I & Redwood II Yes
Aniline point and Smoke point apparatus Yes
Pensky Marten’s apparatus Yes
Abel’s apparatus Yes
Cloud & Pour point apparatus Yes
Orsat analysis of flue gas Yes
Conradson apparatus Yes