Shrish   Verma

Department Electronics & Telecom. Engineering
Designation Professor
Educational Qualification M.Tech (Computer Engineering), Ph.D.
Contact Number
Areas of Interest

Image processing, computer & communication networks, distributed processing, digital system design.

  • Journals:
  1. Singh, Pradeep, and Shrish Verma. "Multi-Classifier Model for Software Fault Prediction." INTERNATIONAL ARAB JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 15, no. 5 (2018): 912-919.
  2. Sisodia, Dilip Singh, Shrish Verma, and Om Prakash Vyas. "Augmented intuitive dissimilarity metric for clustering of Web user sessions." Journal of Information Science 43.4 (2017): 480-491.
  3. Nayak Akanksha, Sahu Mridu, Shrish Verma, Raj Vyom. "Dimensionality Reduction for Motor Imagery Signal Classification using Wavelet Analysis Dimensionality Reduction for Motor Imagery Signal Classification using Wavelet Analysis. " International Journal of Control Theory and Applications. 10 (2017): 65-75.
  4. Satya Prakash Sahu, Narendra D Londhe, Shrish Verma. " An Automated System for the Detection of Lung Cancer in CT data at Early Stages."  International Journal of Control Theory and Applications. 10 (2017): 133-144.
  5. Pradeep Singh, Nikhil R Pal, Shrish Verma, Om Prakash Vyas. "Fuzzy rule-based approach for software fault prediction." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 47.5 (2017): 826-837.
  6. Nautiyal, Payal, Alok Naugarhiya, and Shrish Verma. "Application of workfunction engineering in vertical superjunction devices." Superlattices and Microstructures 109 (2017): 927-935.
  7. Sisodia, Dilip Singh, Shrish Verma, and Om Prakash Vyas. "A subtractive relational fuzzy c-medoids clustering approach to cluster web user sessions from web server logs." International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12.7 (2017): 1142-1150.
  8. Sisodia, Dilip Singh, Shrish Verma, and Om Prakash Vyas. "A discounted fuzzy relational clustering of web users’ using intuitive augmented sessions dissimilarity metric." IEEE Access 4 (2016): 6883-6893.
  9. Sisodia, Dilip Singh, Shrish Verma, and Om Prakash Vyas. "Quantitative evaluation of Web user session dissimilarity measures using medoids based relational fuzzy clustering." Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9.28 (2016): 1-9.
  10. Sahu, Tirath Prasad, Naresh Kumar Nagwani, and Shrish Verma. "Multivariate beta mixture model for automatic identification of topical authoritative users in community question answering sites." IEEE Access 4 (2016): 5343-5355.
  11. Sahu, Tirath Prasad, Naresh Kumar Nagwani, and Shrish Verma. "Selecting best answer: An empirical analysis on community question answering sites." IEEE Access 4 (2016): 4797-4808.
  12. Mridu Sahu, Naresh Nagwani, Shrish Verma, Kuhu Gupta. "Analysis of Electroencephalography (EEG) Signals using Visualization Techniques." Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 9 (2016): 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i48/109163.
  13. Sahu Mridu, Nagwani Naresh, Verma Shrish. "Applying Auto Regression Techniques on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients EEG Dataset with P300 Speller." Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 9  (2016) 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i48/109165.
  14. Nagwani, Naresh Kumar, and Shrish Verma. "Generating intelligent summary terms for improving knowledge discovery in software bug repositories." International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 26.05 (2016): 827-844.
  15. Sisodia, Dilip Singh, Shrish Verma, and Om Prakash Vyas. "A Conglomerate Relational Fuzzy Approach for Discovering Web User Session Clusters from Web Server Logs." International Journal of Engineering and Technology 8.3 (2016): 1433-1443.
  16. Sisodia, Dilip Singh, Shrish Verma, and Om Prakash Vyas. "Performance evaluation of an augmented session dissimilarity matrix of web user sessions using relational fuzzy C-means clustering." International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research 11.9 (2016): 6497-6503.
  17. Sahu, Tirath Prasad, Naresh Kumar Nagwani, and Shrish Verma. "TagLDA based user persona model to identify topical experts for newly posted questions in community question answering sites." International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 11.10 (2016): 7072-7078.
  18. Majumder, Saikat, and Shrish Verma. "Iterative Channel Decoding of FEC-Based Multiple Descriptions using LDPC-RS Product Codes." International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 11.9 (2016): 6160-6167.
  19. Sisodia, Dilip Singh, Shrish Verma, and Om Prakash Vyas. "Agglomerative approach for identification and elimination of web robots from web server logs to extract knowledge about actual visitors." Journal of Data Analysis and Information Processing 3.01 (2015): 1.
  20. Majumder, Saikat, and Shrish Verma. "Iterative network-channel decoding with cooperative space-time transmission." arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.01203 (2015).
  21. Sisodia, Dilip Singh, and Shrish Verma. "Analysis of spamming threats and some possible solutions for online social networking sites (OSNS)." Analysis 1 (2015): 27207.
  22. Sisodia, Dilip Singh, Shrish Verma, and Om Prakash Vyas. "A comparative analysis of browsing behavior of human visitors and automatic software agents." American Journal of Systems and Software 3.2 (2015): 31-35.
  23. Singh, Pradeep, and Shrish Verma. "Cross project software fault prediction at design phase." Int. J. Comput. Electr. Automat. Control Inf. Eng 9.3 (2015): 800-805.
  24. Sahu Mridu, Nagwani NK, Verma Shrish, Shirke Saransh. "Performance Evaluation of Different Classifier for Eye State Prediction Using EEG Signal." International Journal of Knowledge Engineering 1.2 (2015).
  25. Nagwani Naresh Kumar, Verma Kesari, Verma Shrish. "On Visualizing the Price Distribution Information of Rice and Wheat across India." Int. J. Engg. Res. & Sci. & Tech 4.1 (2015): 145-152
  26. Singh Pradeep,Shrish verma, Vyas OP. "Software fault prediction at design phase." Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 9.5 (2014): 1739-1745
  27. Singh, Pradeep, and Shrish Verma. "An efficient software fault prediction model using cluster based classification." Int. J. Appl. Inf. Syst 7.3 (2014): 35-41.
  28. Singh, Pradeep, and Shrish Verma. "Software Fault Prediction Model for Embedded Systems: A Novel finding." Int. J. Comput. Sci. Inf. Technol 5.2 (2014): 2348-2354.
  29. Nagwani, Naresh Kumar, and Shrish Verma. "A comparative study of bug classification algorithms." International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 24.01 (2014): 111-138.
  30. Majumder, Saikat, and Shrish Verma. "Iterative Soft Decoding of Multiple Description Image over Wireless Channel." Journal of Computer and Communications 2.08 (2014): 43.
  31. Singh, Pradeep, Shrish Verma, and O. P. Vyas. "Cross company and within company fault prediction using object oriented metrics." International Journal of Computer Applications 74.8 (2013).
  32. Nagwani, Naresh Kumar, and Shrish Verma. "On Studying the Effect of Sample Size in Evaluation of Bug Classifiers." Indian Journal of Science and Technology 6.1 (2013).
  33. Majumder, Saikat, and Shrish Verma. "NOISE ROBUST TRANSMISSION OF MULTIPLE DESCRIPTION IMAGE OVER WIRELESS NETWORKS." International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 5.11 (2013): 1838.
  34. Majumder, Saikat, and Shrish Verma. "Accumulator aided decoding of low complexity SISO arithmetic codes with image transmission application." International Journal of Computer Applications 79.7 (2013).
  35. Majumder, Saikat, and Shrish Verma. "Joint channel estimation and decoding of Raptor code on fading channel." Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Vol 4.2 (2013): 168-173.
  36. Nagwani, Naresh Kumar, and Shrish Verma. "ML-CLUBAS: A multi label bug classification algorithm." Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 5.12 (2012): 983.
  37. Nagwani, Naresh Kumar, and Shrish Verma. "Rank-me: A java tool for ranking team members in software bug repositories." Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 5.04 (2012): 255.
  38. Nagwani, Naresh Kumar, and Shrish Verma. "CLUBAS: an algorithm and Java based tool for software bug classification using bug attributes similarities." Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 5.06 (2012): 436.
  39. Khan Mohammad Imroze, Soni Samiksha, Acharya Bibhudendra, Verma Shrish. "Implementation of digital watermarking using vhdl." IJCSC 3 (2012): 15-21.
  40. Sisodia, Dilip Singh, and Shrish Verma. "Application of Weblogs to Construct Smart Web servers to handle user Traffic efficiently." International Journal of Advanced Computer Eng Ineering and Architecture (IJACEA) 1.1-7 (2011).
  41. Singh, Pradeep, K. D. Chaudhary, and Shrish Verma. "An investigation of the relationships between software metrics and defects." International Journal of Computer Applications28.8 (2011): 13-17.
  42. Nagwani, N. K., and S. Verma. "Software bug classification using suffix tree clustering (STC) algorithm." IJCST 2 (2011).
  43. Nagwani, Naresh Kumar, and Shrish Verma. "A frequent term and semantic similarity based single document text summarization algorithm." International Journal of Computer Applications 17.2 (2011): 36-40.
  44. Nagwani, Naresh Kumar, and Shrish Verma. "BugML: Software Bug Markup Language." International Journal of Computer Applications 975 (2011): 8887.
  45. Nagwani, Naresh Kumar, and S. Verma. "An Open Source Framework for Data Pre-Processing of Online Software Bug Repositories." CiiT International Journal of Data Mining Knowledge Engineering 1.7 (2009): 329-338.


  • Recent Conferences:


  1. Sahu, Satya Prakash, Shrish verma et al. "Lung Segmentation of CT Images Using Fuzzy C-Means for the Detection of Cancer  in Early Stages." Advances in Data and Information Sciences. Springer, Singapore, 2019. 167-176.
  2. Majumder, Saikat, Shrish Verma, and Bibhudendra Acharya. "Iterative Decoding of LDPC-RS-Coded Multiple Description Image." Innovations in Soft Computing and Information Technology. Springer, Singapore, 2019. 197-207.
  3. Vaidya, Mahesh, Alok Naugarhiya, and Shrish Verma. "High Speed Bootstrapping Generic Voltage Level Shifter." 2018 Second International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications (ICAECC). IEEE, 2018.
  4. Singh, Pradeep, and Shrish Verma. "Automated Tool for Extraction of Software Fault Data." Advances in Data and Information Sciences. Springer, Singapore, 2018. 29-37.
  5. Tekchandani, Hitesh, and Shrish Verma. "Severity Assessment of Lymph Nodes in CT Images using Deep Learning Paradigm." 2018 Second International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). IEEE, 2018.
  6. Payal Nautiyal, Onika Parmar, Alok Naugarhiya, Shrish Verma. "Design and performance projection of workfunction engineered variable vertical doped superjunction vertical single diffused MOS." 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT). IEEE, 2018.
  7. Nautiyal, Payal, Alok Naugarhiya, and Shrish Verma. "Charge Plasma Based VVD-SJ VDMOS Employing Reversed Doping Concentration." 2018 Second International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications (ICAECC). IEEE, 2018.
  8. Mohdiwale Samrudhi, Sahu Tirath Prasad, Chaurasia Rahul K, Nagwani Naresh Kumar, Verma Shrish. "Detection and Classification of Noise Using Bark Domain Features." Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Communications and Broadband Networking. ACM, 2018.
  9. Sharma Akshay, Majumdar Shubhankar, Naugarhiya Alok, Acharya Bibhudendra, Majumder Saikat, Verma Shrish. "VERILOG based simulation of ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK digital modulation techniques." 2017 International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud)(I-SMAC). IEEE, 2017. 
  10. Mohdiwale Samrudhi, Sahu Tirath Prasad, Nagwani Naresh Kumar, Chaurasia Rahul Kumar, Verma Shrish. "Abnormal activity detection in forest reserve using cumulative short time fourier transform features." 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS). IEEE, 2017.
  11. Chaudhary, Aaditya; Rusia, Jaydeep; Gourav, Kumar; Tripathi, Parul; Pandey, Janam; Majumdar, Shubhankar; Naugarhiya, Alok; Acharya, Bibhudendra; Majumder, Saikat; Verma, Shrish; "Design and simulation of physical layer blocks of ZigBee transmitter." 2017 International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud)(I-SMAC). IEEE, 2017.
  12. Sahu, Tirath Prasad, Naresh Kumar Nagwani, and Shrish Verma. "Topical authoritative answerer identification on q&a posts using supervised learning in cqa sites." Proceedings of the 9th Annual ACM India Conference. ACM, 2016.
  13. Sahu, Mridu; Shirke, Saransh; Pathak, Garima; Agarwal, Prashant; Gupta, Ravina; Sodhi, Vishal; Nagwani, NK; Verma, Shrish; "Study and Analysis of Electrocardiography Signals for Computation of R Peak Value for Sleep Apnea Patient." Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies. Springer, New Delhi, 2016.
  14. Sahu, Mridu; Sharma, Shreya; Raj, Vyom; Nagwani, NK; Verma, Shrish; "Impact of Ranked Ordered Feature List (ROFL) on classification with visual data mining techniques." 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT). IEEE, 2016.
  15. Sahu, Mridu; Sharma, Shreya; Raj, Vyom; Nagwani, NK; Verma, Shrish; "Impact of discretization on classification of data using divide and conquer paradigm." 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT). IEEE, 2016.
  16. Rusia, Jaydeep; Naugarhiya, Alok; Majumder, Saikat; Majumdar, Shubhankar; Acharya, Bibhudendra; Verma, Shrish; "Remote temperature & humidity sensing through ASK modulation technique." 2016 International Conference on ICT in Business Industry & Government (ICTBIG). IEEE, 2016.
  17. Rusia, Jaydeep; Naugarhiya, Alok; Majumder, Saikat; Majumdar, Shubhankar; Acharya, Bibhudendra; Verma, Shrish; "RF based wireless data transmission between two FPGAs." 2016 International Conference on ICT in Business Industry & Government (ICTBIG). IEEE, 2016.
  18. Sahu, Mridu; Nagwani, NK; Verma, Shrish; Shirke, Saransh; "An incremental feature reordering (IFR) algorithm to classify eye state identification using EEG." Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications. Springer, New Delhi, 2015. 803-811.
  19. Nagwani, N. K., Shrish Verma, and Krunal K. Mehta. "Generating taxonomic terms for software bug classification by utilizing topic models based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation." 2013 Eleventh International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering. IEEE, 2013.
  20. Sisodia, Dilip Singh, and Shrish Verma. "Web usage pattern analysis through web logs: A review." 2012 Ninth International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE). IEEE, 2012.
  21. Singh, Pradeep, and Shrish Verma. "Empirical investigation of fault prediction capability of object oriented metrics of open source software." 2012 Ninth International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE). IEEE, 2012.
  22. Nagwani, Naresh Kumar, and Shrish Verma. "Predicting expert developers for newly reported bugs using frequent terms similarities of bug attributes." 2011 Ninth International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering. IEEE, 2012.
  23. Majumder, Saikat, and Shrish Verma. "Joint source-channel decoding of IRA code for hidden Markov source." 2012 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT). IEEE, 2012.
  24. Sahu, Satya Prakash, and Satya Verma. "Secured and authentic communication by combined approach of digital watermarking and steganography." International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011.
  25. Majumder, Saikat, and Shrish Verma. "Rate adaptive distributed source-channel coding using IRA codes for wireless sensor networks." International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Mobile Communication. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011.
  26. Nagwani, Naresh Kumar, and Shrish Verma. "Predictive data mining model for software bug estimation using average weighted similarity." 2010 IEEE 2nd International Advance Computing Conference (IACC). IEEE, 2010.
  27. Singh, Pradeep, and Shirish Verma. "An investigation of the effect of discretization on defect prediction using static measures." 2009 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies. IEEE, 2009.
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